Free To Be Me - Religion

Scripture Reading - James 1:26-27 KJV

26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

In the world there is always a geological comparison made between people. In other words people of the same community will compare every person of that community with the “so-called” norm. Thus, the norm is acceptable while the abnormal is not. The problem is who defines what the norm is and does such a defined norm exist for all the people of that community? This comparison usually involves at least seven different issues (characteristics and/or topics), age, career, gender, morality, religion, ethnicity and income. So the people with similar characteristics will always be drawn to a closer relationship then those who think, act and sometimes look differently than them. This week we will briefly discuss how the characteristic of “Religion” relates to our freedom in Christ Jesus. “Religion” in its general sense is how a person relates to God. The problem we find with “religion” is that God is so awesome and above mere man’s comprehension that many people have an erroneous concept of God. Since speaking and thinking about God is so sacred those people who are sunken deep in their “religious” beliefs passed down for generations are cursed if what they were taught is wrong. There is nothing wrong with believing in God and standing firm in your beliefs when they are correct but you better be sure you have God’s authentic Word on the subject accompanied by His genuine love. It has been said that “religion” has sent more people to hell than any other one item. However, we (ihlcc) would like to say instead that sin sends people to hell with “false religion” leading the way. One sin that is very grievous to the Lord Jesus and ourselves is deception. The ultimate deception is to think that you are pleasing God by your good works and that qualifies you for God’s Good Heaven. This lie has plagued more people because it actually makes some rational sense. The problem is that it is not true according to the holy scriptures. True worshippers of the Living God know that only through God’s grace and mercy can you get into God’s Wonderful Heaven. It is solely the Love of God that made a way into Heaven through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. I (ihlcc) once thought that there were many roads to Heaven when I didn’t really know God intimately. It seemed logical to me that a loving God would accept all people if they lived a good life. There is one huge problem with that doctrine because no one on this earth could live a good life that is pleasing to God, except Jesus. What most people call living a good life is living a life centered around doing whatever they want to do. The thought is as long as I am not hurting someone else and helping a few people along the way I am a good person. Thus, at their core people are selfish for their own private benefit, not Gods. Also, all those who live for themselves will never fulfill God’s Perfect Will for their life because God’s Will requires you to do for others with the pure motive of love. God doesn’t require good works (deeds) instead He requires a pure heart of genuine love (unselfishness). We notice in today’s scripture that “pure religion” names three basic things. One – visit the little children who have no support so that they can sense God’s Love. Two – visit the women who are widows during their time of challenge because they too may be without support and they need to see God’s Love in action. Three – keep yourself holy (separated, pure, clean, unblameable, etc…) before God. The third one cannot be achieved without God’s help because we (ihlcc) have found that the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit is incredible because even the slightest hint of an impure motive (a spot) He will convict you of sin. If we can’t understand how God deals with man and what to do when He does deal with us we are hopelessly doomed to hell. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. When you become saved through the precious Blood of Jesus Christ God Himself comes to live in you. The primary reason He comes into your life is so that you will make it walking in His Life. The Gracious Lord comes into your home (your heart) to personally escort you to His Home in Heaven (Eternity). The evil one has used “religion” to separate all mankind such that some whole nations (nationalities) strictly follow only one religion without any regard for the one truth God of Heaven and Earth. This ultimate deception has caused many people to lose their soul to hell and the battle continues each day. Please dearly beloved Child of God don’t debate “religion” just remember to show people God’s Love. Since Love leads people to God’s goodness don’t allow “religious” differences to keep us (all mankind) apart. We (ihlcc) firmly believe we are called to love all people just like God loves them, so we never fight with those of different “religious” beliefs because we know if only they truly knew God in all His Goodness, Mercy and Grace they too would love God just like we do. “Religion” in itself is not bad but any misrepresentation of God can cause much pain and suffering for those caught in the trap of deception and sin. We (all Christians) are not called to hate and judge others but rather by loving all people we give them hope for a brighter future in God, promised in the “religion” of Jesus Christ for this dispensation unto eternity. Being a Christian gives you total liberty to speak with God, listen to God and proclaim the awesome Name of Jesus as God. So never let anyone else shackle your tongue and/or entrap your mind to withhold the Gospel of Jesus Christ because, my beloved child, that is the one and only way to God for all those living upon the earth today. You are free to be a Christian because Jesus shed His priceless Blood so never forget that your ”true religion” of Jesus Christ shall never be forgotten because how could we ever forget “The One” who gave us complete forgiveness. Amen.